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Recent content by Jackarandajam

  1. Jackarandajam

    How to run an empire across many worlds connected by rifts?

    Off the cuff, I'd say "He who controls the rifts rules." Whether it's one super magical dude chained in the basement of the (purely fantastical) Fatican, some kind of hereditary magic passed down from Emperor to Emperor, or just a sort of capitalist monopoly "I'm rich, so I gathered up all the...
  2. Jackarandajam

    Has medieval style fantasy had its day?

    Gotta say, from from an unpublished writers perspective, this conversation is strangely motivating. Kinda like being on the way to Cali during the gold rush and listening to miners kvetch about process and how much they've scraped up. Some better than others, all about the mine and the area and...
  3. Jackarandajam

    How to create a magazine?

    I think you can pretty much do it on Microsoft word.. Edit: for clarity no, I have not.
  4. Jackarandajam

    Has medieval style fantasy had its day?

    Best argument for self-publishing I've ever heard. May have changed my mind on this now, not even kidding. Edit: particularly in the voice of James Spader.
  5. Jackarandajam

    Has medieval style fantasy had its day?

    šŸ– Preach. I'm at the point that I'm going in guns blazing for trad publishing and will resort to self publishing if that doesn't work. My bar for myself should be the same anyway. The only chance I see in SP is most self-publishers can't afford marketing (myself included) but if the pennies can...
  6. Jackarandajam

    Advice for writing themes into the story without hitting the reader over the head with them

    LOVE of Mice and Men. It's like a little pocketbook on writer soft skills. You can read it in a sitting and it's a case study in so many things; colorful side characters that don't take over reader interest, antags and protags that are both clearly victims of circumstance and their own...
  7. Jackarandajam

    SFPBO 10 Contest

    Something to shoot for in '25 for sure. I bet the chances get tough though, I can only imagine the number of submissions just go up every year, that random 300 isn't too bad outta 525, but outta 3k... It would be fun to make this a goal though. A ticking clock is as good for the plotter as it...
  8. Jackarandajam

    Greetings, fellow denizens of the Mythic Scribes,

  9. Jackarandajam

    I feel like I can come up with everything except a plot.

    Just finished my second read through of Story by McKee. Was gonna say this! So much good stuff in there. I just started his book on characters... it's a lot. Really good stuff.
  10. Jackarandajam


    That's the choice, isn't it? When it comes down to it, either God is God or each human is god. The question comes down to the nature of God vs. The nature of humanity. Edit: thinking about it, a lot people who have a problem with there being a God refer to the depth of evil and how He could...
  11. Jackarandajam


    "Godless" and "glossed" have the same letters, if that helps.
  12. Jackarandajam

    How to write good poems.

    Continuing the thought, I think depending on how weak the previous steps are depends on how much of the list I use. I don't think I've ever made a sentence-poem with such face-smashing emotion that I could stop right there and back away. Usually I already have a pretty good idea of what I'm...
  13. Jackarandajam

    How to write good poems.

    If I were to rate what I considered important in a poem, id say this: 1. Emotional connection 2. Clarity of content 3. Musical prose 4. Meter 5. Rhyme 1. A sentence that carries enough emotional gravity is considered poetic without having to have anything else. If it hits like a ton of bricks...
  14. Jackarandajam

    Describe your narratives in as few standalone terms as you can.

    Word. The only reason I ask is because I feel like usually civilization is presented as complex and nature simple. I'd like to see it presented the other way around for a change. There are certainly aspects of complexity and simplicity in both, but some real time and effort spent on the...
  15. Jackarandajam

    You know you are a writer when...

    You know you're a fantasy writer when the guy who runs the local convenience store looks so much like a wizard you want to take his picture, but don't want to explain yourself.