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  • pmmg
    pmmg replied to the thread Dragon egg size.
    Id call it establishing trust, otherwise, same difference.
  • Jackarandajam
    Jackarandajam replied to the thread Dragon egg size.
    Establishing authority is a cool trick. Describe your character carefully making Biscuits and gravy. Go through all the steps. Mention...
  • Prince of Spires
    Prince of Spires replied to the thread Superpower ideas?.
    If you're looking for random powers, I think Brandon Sanderson did something like this in the Alcatraz series, where the characters have...
  • Prince of Spires
    Prince of Spires replied to the thread Dragon egg size.
    I've seen it said by several different authors that if you want to make your readers believe your big fantasy ideas, that you have to...
  • Prince of Spires
    There can be easy cultural reasons why he doesn't become king. You could look to the Netherlands for a real world example. We previously...
  • Prince of Spires
    Not always. However, it should be used sparringly and very deliberately. In most cases you're right that all characters have very...
  • Michael K. Eidson
    For sex scenes, read the same books as your target audience to understand the kinds of scenes they expect, and write those kinds of...
  • Jackarandajam
    Jackarandajam replied to the thread What Are You Playing Now?.
    Guitar, but I really want a bouzouki. And to get back into piano.
  • Jackarandajam
    Jackarandajam replied to the thread Heyo.
    Hi there! A ttrpg is a perfectly good content generator for a good story. Rock n roll
  • Jackarandajam
    Jackarandajam replied to the thread Hello.
  • Jackarandajam
    So I've been rolling this around in my head for a while: To be carefully even-handed, I think one of the big differences is that...
  • Malik
    Malik replied to the thread The Epic Factor.
    As much as I disliked the books for a myriad of reasons, the introductory scene--effectively a prologue--to Game of Thrones was perfect...
  • Jackarandajam
    I've been picking occasionally through a complete collection of Solomon Kane, but for some reason had mentally stuck the stories much...
  • Incanus
    Incanus replied to the thread Colorful "normal" characters?.
    I have to apologize for not understanding this at all. I'd like to. I know what omitting means. I still don't know who is doing the...
  • Incanus
    Incanus replied to the thread Colorful "normal" characters?.
    I don't think I understand what's meant about omitting info - is it the character omitting, or the narrator? How does omitting...