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Recent content by JBCrowson

  1. JBCrowson


    Welcome aboard, good luck with the world building. Sometimes those big stories just won't stay locked in the chest any longer and you have to let them out in order to get enough peace to sleep!
  2. JBCrowson

    Do we need to know about story structures?

    Except that most publishers and agents don't make a decision based on story structure - true up to a point, but scenes have micro structure, and the first X chapters / words that you send will contain some structure though clearly not all of it. What makes your first X chapters accepted - they...
  3. JBCrowson

    Do we need to know about story structures?

    One wonders when official story structure became a thing to study. The cynic in me says when someone realised they could make money teaching the course.
  4. JBCrowson

    Do we need to know about story structures?

    I think good stories have structure, and there are not that many different structures out there. Can a person write a structured story without knowing any theories about it? Of course. A child can catch a ball without knowing anything about the theories of trigonometry. By practice we get better...
  5. JBCrowson

    Is it possible to write a literary fantasy book?

    I agree with the idea of the snobbish hill of literary fiction, from which some chose (wrongly in my view) to look down on other works. I've always been somewhat against snobbish elites, particularly since I work in one. So the idea of "proving them all wrong" has an appeal to me. For clarity I...
  6. JBCrowson

    Is it possible to write a literary fantasy book?

    I've always thought good fantasy could cross with any other genre - some like romance and detective are easier to 'see'. I think reflecting on the human condition is something fantasy is well placed to do, since it could observe from without as well as within. The reality element of literary...
  7. JBCrowson

    Is it possible to write a literary fantasy book?

    What book would you consider literary fantasy? (I have my own thoughts on this).
  8. JBCrowson

    Is it possible to write a literary fantasy book?

    By this I don't mean can a person write such a book - we can write any kind of book, and someone out there probably has. What I mean is "is it possible in todays publishing environment, to have such a book accepted for publication and marketed as such?" My sense is probably no. In part because...
  9. JBCrowson

    How many characters is too many?

    I think 3 POV characters is fine. As long as we're clear when we switch viewpoint that we signal we have switched and clarify immediately whose eyes we are now behind. I do find it tempting in omniscient to add oneliners of the immediate reactions of others in a scene, but have been careful to...
  10. JBCrowson

    Dragon egg size

    Dragons are magical so they don't have to follow the rules of regular biology - look at their puny chest muscles - no way they could fly with those. So don't sweat the egg size would be my suggestion.
  11. JBCrowson

    The Epic Factor

    My WIP is Epic by most of the definitions used here. Like yours there are many important characters with their own stories and plots, some of whom cross paths with others, some of whom don't. The sub threads (all 14 of them) feed into the two main threads over the series, with a mixture of gods...
  12. JBCrowson

    Writing about sex, intimacy and relationships

    I agree with the idea that people bring a lot to the table (literally as well as figuratively ;) ), both lived and wished, when it comes to sex scenes. With that in mind I have tended to hint and allude at what's gone on / going on to give space for people to create it their way in their mind's...
  13. JBCrowson

    Caption this...

    Damn, I think that unicorn potion was a scam.
  14. JBCrowson

    Using real world things/concepts in fantasy fiction

    Agree - when you see how those colonial types treated their own poor (ie ordinary) folk you understand that what they did to natives elsewhere was of a piece with that. All horrible stuff. DOI: I would have been a serf in days past.
  15. JBCrowson

    Twisty Twists

    I try to do a mix of hints towards later reveals and laying things out. I think if everything is concealed readers will look harder and therefore find things before your reveal. If nothing is concealed it can work, but I think a lot of readers like to get to a point and be able to look back and...