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rubixxcube's latest activity

  • rubixxcube
    One story I read recently had it where you can increase the strength of a spell by incanting it, but the incantation you used didn't...
  • rubixxcube
    rubixxcube replied to the thread Dragon egg size.
    Depends on the texture of the egg. If the egg is scaly and rough or somehow irregular compared to "normal" eggs, probably small enough...
  • rubixxcube
    rubixxcube replied to the thread Apocalyptic events..
    The main gods of my world have the..unfortunate tendency to "cleanse" the world by deleting massive groups of humans(often a specific...
  • rubixxcube
    rubixxcube reacted to Renè Williams's post in the thread Apocalyptic events. with Like Like.
    It's only hinted at in my current WIP, but in the second book I'll be taking readers to the continent of OtherSide a.k.a Terron (Lydians...