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skip.knox's latest activity

  • skip.knox
    To the OP. The quote is from the initial post. They stated their impressions of the current state of traditional publishing wrt medieval...
  • skip.knox
    >it would seem to me I'm wondering why it seems that way to you. Is it because you have written such stories, submitted them, and have...
  • skip.knox
    You know you're a writer when you fail to stop writing.
  • skip.knox
    I get both sides of the discussion here, and I could make arguments in both directions, from warfare (which is barely depicted) down to...
  • skip.knox
    Agreed, and I'm very far from ever having experienced anything of the sort. The effects of combat (as distinct from the effects of war)...
  • skip.knox
    I don't know if Tolkien was very specific on the topic. Sometimes I think of Ents as basically trees that come alive, but other times...
  • skip.knox
    Different people are entertained by different things; similarly, different people are put off by different things. However passionately...
  • skip.knox
    skip.knox replied to the thread What was hard to write?.
    Hm, that's pretty much how I work (except I resist saying I'm a visual learner or tactile learner or olfactory learner). I do remember...
  • skip.knox
    skip.knox replied to the thread Cover Photo in Portfolios.
    I can't seem to find the same page you are seeing, but I did get to Edit a Portfolio Entry and saw a checkbox down at the bottom for...
  • skip.knox
    skip.knox replied to the thread Cover Photo in Portfolios.
    I went to my profile. (/community/account) The heading on that page is Account Details It shows my avatar in the right-hand column with...
  • skip.knox
    skip.knox replied to the thread What was hard to write?.
    I appreciate the references; I did watch them (mostly). I still have a hard time turning to movies for examples of how to write (or not...
  • skip.knox
    skip.knox replied to the thread What was hard to write?.
    Prince of Spires, I agree. Combined with earlier comments on this thread, I'd say that most *useful* writerly advice concerns basic work...
  • skip.knox
    skip.knox replied to the thread Remarkable Works I've Read.
    PITFCS (pronounced however you see fit) It has been a few years since I read this thing. I cannot pretend it is great writing, but it...
  • skip.knox
    skip.knox reacted to Jackarandajam's post in the thread What was hard to write? with Like Like.
    On this subject I think it's helpful to point out two very different types of "books on writing." One is the "how to write a novel" type...
  • skip.knox
    skip.knox replied to the thread What was hard to write?.
    It's a curiosity that there is so much advice on offer for the first-time writer, yet almost none for the authors who are on their, say...